You Can Relax and Sleep, No Matter What Stress is Here – Dr. Peebles

Most of us are going through it these days, with high stress and sleeplessness. World chaos.
It’s hard to relax, especially at bedtime, but don’t let yourself be devoured by all that.

When I first began to learn energy healing, we often said, “I am Teflon” (non-stick).
i.e., “I’m not gonna let the murky energies stick to me.” 

Certainly the process goes deeper than those few words. 
There’s a cultural unpacking to do, an ancestral unpacking to do, and a personal unpacking to do, on whether or not we allow various energies to affect us. 

It’s difficult to release our problems and other people’s problems (even though they are in charge of themselves).
We care a lot, and it’s hard to let go.

Yet, it can be done. 
We can learn to allow things to be what they are without engaging them in battle.
Such a battle always depletes us.
“When you argue with reality, you lose – but only 100% of the time.” –  Byron Katie

In Dr. Peebles Speaks May 16, 2024, he shows us how to handle our challenging reality of the world as it is, these days.

He also massages our heart and soul during the teaching. This is no small thing, the way he and the Band of Angels adjust our energy levels.

Relief is right here and now, when you listen to it.

A good bit of this teaching shows us how to use our body to receive truth and awareness.
As Dr. Peebles says, “Your body can tell you a lot of things without having to do it in words.”

He guides us to tune into anything, to feel its essence, feel the truth of it.

He gives us a look at life from the viewpoint of our eternal spirit.
He emphasizes, “There is no perfect you to become.”
(Does that challenge what we heard in Sunday school? This guy is a breath of fresh air!)

And yes, he brings us a new approach to getting our sleep,
in this part of the transcript from Dr. Peebles Speaks May 16, 2024.

Frustration is what it is.
It’s a frustrating moment, but you don’t have to take it on so, so, deeply until it’s ingrained in your spirit.

Expand yourself.
Feel as if your body and every cell within it is expanding. Imagine every cell in your body where there is darkness is beginning to explode with light.

Radiating that light, expanding that light.

That the cells in your body, imagine that they are all tightly wound together, that they are relaxing. That they’re making a little bit of room for each other.
Imagine that there is a room full of people and a big crowd. If everybody relaxes a little bit, gives each other a little space, it feels better. You can breathe a little better.

So allow for yourself to expand.
That’s what life is about. It’s a journey of expansion.
There’s no going backwards, and there’s no need to go backwards.
Just keep expanding.
God bless you indeed.

You do this at night when you are in bed.
Really feel into your body, and feel the areas where you’re holding onto energy, where you’re constricted.

And you might say, “Well, no, I get in bed and I feel pretty nice when I’m laying down. I feel like, ‘Oh, finally, here I am. Yeah, I feel relaxed.'”

Well, still do it again. Feel into your body and you’ll find maybe there in your little toe that there is a little tension that you’re holding onto.
Feel into your breath.
How are your breaths? Are they easy?
How is your head feeling?
Is it full of thoughts?
Even those, do you feel those are entanglements?
You can just watch them float by rather than getting attached to them, having to think about thinking, which is oftentimes what happens.

And also, my dear friends, as you expand in this fashion and you allow for yourself to just be breathing life in and breathing light out, you will find, my dear friends, that your bedroom is filled with peace, and you will sleep better, and you won’t be as subject to attacks by the energies of the planet Earth at night.

There are all kinds of frequencies in your atmosphere, coming at you all the time. And thought forms that are being tossed out at you, such as, “it’s flu season.”
There you go. There’s a thought form.
Are you going to catch it?
Or are you going to let it go?

When you’ve got yourself so fully expanded that you’re just allowing for everything to flow through you rather than struggling to hold it at arm’s length, saying, “Yes, it’s there, but I’m not going to catch it. I’m not going to have to hold onto that. I’m not going to allow myself to be entangled.”

People might throw thoughts at you that they have about you, judgments against you.
“All right. That’s what they’re doing. Let them judge. I am not going to allow for it in my life. It’s just going to go right through me. I’m not holding onto it. I don’t want to.”

And you allow for all of those things.

It could be micro-wave energies.
It could be laser beams.
It could be all sorts of toxic chemicals in the atmosphere.

All right. They don’t have to hurt you. You can just allow for them to go through you.

 Just simply, my dear friends, breathe life in and breathe light out.
You can transform your world.
And in so doing, guess what?
You transformed the world on a grand and glorious scale that you will never be aware of.
The ripple effect of you doing this for yourself is remarkable.

            –  Dr. Peebles through Summer Bacon on May 16, 2024

Summer Bacon is truly one of the most clear and accurate trance mediums on the Earth at this time.
We can’t thank her enough for her work to bring Dr. Peebles to us.

Here are Summer’s notes from this May 16th session, titled, Your Power and the Future of Technology.

“I am the center of the storm! I am the peace within it!”

It’s all energetics! In this message, Dr. Peebles speaks about:

  • How you give away your power, and how to stop
  • You have every right to be you
  • How you are attuning yourself to life at all times, and how to work with that
  • How to work with your body, and use it to feel Spirit communication
  • There is no “perfect you” to become
  • Life is about learning
  • Does the guru at the top of the mountain have all the answers?
  • Beautiful guidance in knowing “Truth”
  • Time for sleep? Here’s how to embrace it
  • You can feel the energy of the mighty oak tree (and why you might want to)
  • The future of technology
  • and so much more!

Every time I listen to this session, my heart “gets it” on a new level.

Do not miss the chance to hear, and experience, and be healed by
Dr. Peebles Speaks May 16, 2024.

Give it a listen!

Find out how to drop your troubles.
Reclaim your health and happiness. 
Let Dr. Peebles help you to shape your heart, your soul, your intentions.


Catch the Happy Habit and Keep it Going Despite World Turmoil – Peebles

Peebles’ Great Health Tips to Keep You Loving Your Life

How to Confront the Busy Mind at Night and Get Blissful Sleep

Van Gogh Starry Night over the Rhone
(Thanks to Van Gogh for this Starry Night over the Rhone, from rawpixels.)

Posted in Awareness, Dr Peebles, Energy Healing, Inspiration, Self Healing, Spirituality | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

How to Confront the Busy Mind at Night and Get Blissful Sleep

How about that wee hour insomnia interruption, at 2 or 3 A.M., when you wake up and your mind grabs you to think about something?

Bad idea – do not listen to it.
Ignore it.
Don’t take the bait.
Don’t let the busy-brain hijack you out of the groggy zone.

“Oh,” it says, “What shall we worry about, since we woke up a little? I wonder about x. Let’s just figure out x for a moment. It won’t take long.”

Oh yes, it will!
Stuff a sock in its mouth.
Don’t let busy-brain take charge.

Stay down in groggy land, deep and quiet.

That’s step one: refuse the bait.

Can you ignore your head, ignore the busy-brain?
If so, Congrats!

. . . But most of us let our head take charge, don’t we?
The head is one of our smaller appendages, but we’re in the habit of letting it drive.
(Break the habit!)

There we are, semi-awake in the dark, and the back of our brain pops up:
“What if x happens? What if it doesn’t happen? What’s the worst that could happen?”

The brain is strong and bossy.
It wants to handle your day already, manage your plans, chew on your regrets.

There you are, at two in the morning –
What is rolling around in your brain at that moment?
Is it one troubled thing?
Or an assortment?
Or one thing leading to the next?
Take a quick look. What is it?

Can it be solved tonight?

It can only ruin your sleep.

Mentally step back.
Watch those busy thoughts now, looping around and around, like a hamster running inside a wheel.
Tons of effort, going nowhere.

Why does the busy-brain do this?
The mind thinks it can work everything out for you.
The mind thinks it can fix things, even at this crazy hour of the night.

The mind is trying to keep you safe.

So tell the mind you are already safe.

You are already in bed.
The meddling mind has no job to do at this time of the night.

Like a bossy two-year-old, the mind wants to be in charge.
Tell it that it is not allowed to be in charge right now.

It might keep ranting.
So ignore it.
It’s like an old radio that drones on in the background. No need to pay attention to it.

Sink into the safety of your mattress.
Your mattress is a golden cloud of wellbeing.
Focus on the softness, the cushion around you.
Focus on letting your body go loose and limp.

Melt into the bed.

Let the hamster cycle around, far away in the distance.
Pay no attention to it.
It is simply a chatterbox.

It makes work for itself because it likes to do that.
It is out of its proper time and place.

If you like spirituality (as I do), call upon your spiritual resources to help you drift to sleep.
Remember your heavenly helpers are with you now, as always, embracing you.
Remember the Universe loves you more than you can possibly imagine.
Remember you are made of love and light.

Your True Self lives in a state of contentment and ease, always.
Your Spirit is immensely bigger than your tiny body.
Your Spirit is always in charge, 24/7.
Everything is your choice, truly.

Your human body can easily slide into restorative sleep . . .

Let go and allow . . .

(Yes, I know those solar flares are waking us up too, but we really are in charge of ourselves, 24/7.)

NEWS FLASH – after I finished this post, I found out Dr. Peebles talked about sleep this week, too. Stay tuned for the scoop on his advice, soon!

6 Remarkable Powers of Sleep and How to Get There
The Soul Whispers to Us in Dreams – Are We Listening?

Check out Diane’s books, the acclaimed Calm Comfort Meditations
and a storybook, WHAT, NO DEATH? Sheer Fiction 

Diane Stallings RN does distance healing, EFT tapping, and/or Biofield Tuning on the phone, energy healing sessions, Chakra Balancing, and health coaching. She gives you practical ways to lift your selfcare and wellbeing. Make an appointment on the phone anywhere or in Fountain Hills. Look into her free meditation classes at Fountain Hills Library.

sleep girl by Rachel Calamusa at Flickr

(Thanks to Rachel Calamusa on Flickr for this image.)

Posted in Awareness, Inspiration, Self Healing, Spirituality | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

When Will the World Chaos Stop? It Depends on Your Heart First, says Peebles

In these super-challenging times, Dr. Peebles brings us exactly what we need: stability, healing energy, and balance.
This week we have a new, juicy Q&A session with Dr. Peebles, through the awesome Summer Bacon. (Your question might be in it!)

Dr. Peebles Speaks May 1, 2024
gives practical advice on how to handle high stress and bad news.
Plus, this session includes everything from advice on contacting Extraterrestrials to
working with our dreams to meet up with people on the astral plane.
(Whom would you like to meet?)

Don’t miss this beautiful session from May 1st.

As Summer says, Find out:

  • What is real strength?
  • How we can we trust and heal after trauma and abuse
  • How to not take on other people’s anger and pain
  • When/how we will move out of this difficult time period on earth
  • Will chronic disease ever be eradicated?
  • How free will exists everywhere…even in the molecules of our body
  • How much we influence our physical development in the womb
  • A beautiful healing nighttime prayer that we can say
  • Healing relationships with people who are in the afterlife
  • How our dearly departed can stay engaged with us in everyday activities
  • Earth’s portals and how they are created
  • Gender fluidity: the meaning of it; karmic influences
  • and so much more

We all wonder when the world will settle down from all this craziness.
Here is part of Dr. Peebles’ answer:

When are we going to come out of this time and space and move forward into a more loving and accepting world?

Well, the world is within you.
So it’s really a matter of you moving into that place within yourself.

If you’re going to sit around twiddling your thumbs, waiting for the world to change and be a better place and such, you’re going to be disappointed at every turn for quite a while yet here.

But if you are willing to look inside of yourself and say, “Well, that’s the world, but the world inside of me is happy and joyful. And I’m going to take up painting and writing. And I’m going to make a beautiful meal and invite my friends over. And I’m going to put my telephone down and turn off the news. And I’m going to play some beautiful music. And I’m going to look and gaze at the stars in the heavens. And perhaps I’ll see one of those spaceships out there and say, hallelujah, that was fun to see.”

And look at the wonders and the beauty and the prosperity that is within my own soul and such.

Then you, my dear friends, you can move forward with grace and enjoy your life despite what anybody else is doing in the world.

It’s not necessary to get encumbered by it.

And truly, my dear friends, the more you invite the world in, the more you’re going to feel the pain, the more you’re going to see and experience the distractions and such.

So when is it going to end?
It only ends when it ends within you.
And the whole world could be healed.

But if you have, if you’re still looking around and saying, “Well, I don’t know about that. I see that there are leaves falling from the tree. Now it’s going to be bare, and it’s going to be winter.”

And if you still have an attitude about life not being fun, and that there aren’t good days, and it’s not necessary to go on picnics and such, well then, you’re just going to live your life in misery.

So it’s really more about the world inside of you.

(As for) the world outside?
Well, my dear friends, that’s tumultuous, and it’s going to be for a while yet, and it’s going to get a little bit more rocky. God bless you indeed.

But my dear friends, that’s the way of the world.

Everybody’s learning and growing and dancing together.
But you, my dear friends, you find your own rhythm, and you will surrender to that, and you will live happily ever after. God bless you indeed.
Does that help, my dear?

 – Yes, that’s lovely.

We know you would all love to have a date and time for it to happen, but then if we did that, if we said such a thing, everybody would again sit around twiddling their thumbs waiting for that date and time to occur in order to be happy. Well, that’s not necessary.

You can take the opportunity right here and now to take a moment to breathe into your spine, take a nice deep breath.

Revel in the fact that you can breathe.
Revel in the fact that you can hear.
Revel in the fact that you can read.

Take a nice deep breath, and you’re in this beautiful body of yours. It’s all yours. It’s your world.
It’s all contained within you, my dear friends.

It’s through your thoughts, your choices, your perceptions of the world, of yourself, the world within, that you do indeed create your own reality.

And so you relax, release and surrender. It’s a beautiful day. It truly is. There is no need to struggle. Relax, release and surrender.

If there is a difficulty in your life’s journey, just say, “All right, I’m having a difficulty in my life’s journey. Let me take a deep breath.”

Can you pause, at least, and take a deep breath and say, “All right, everything will be all right. We’ll find the answer. We always do. There is an answer to everything.”

So don’t give up hope.
Relax, release, surrender.
God bless you indeed.
            – Dr. Peebles through Summer Bacon, May 1st, 2024


Hold onto your hat in these tumultuous times!

For the price of a coffee, you can gain true balance and wisdom from Dr. Peebles, and keep on drinking it for weeks, months, years to come.

Download Dr. Peebles Speaks May 1, 2024 Now!

You’ll be glad you did!


Peebles Tells How to Work, Play, Dance With the Energy of Life and Spirit

The Natural Miracle of Using Frequency to Heal Yourself – from Dr. Peebles

How to Drop the Sadness and the Chaos of Our Times, says Dr. Peebles

earth on black water fm NASA w Peebles

(Thanks to NASA for this Earth image.)

Posted in Awareness, consciousness, Disease Relief - Prevention, Dr Peebles, Energy Healing, Inspiration, Mind, Self Healing, Spirituality | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Peebles Tells How to Work, Play, Dance With the Energy of Life and Spirit

What a delicious and fulfilling feast Summer Bacon and Dr. Peebles give us in this April 17th session!

We are energetic beings, connected to everything!
Everything is available to us, at all times.
(Not only on Earth, but always.)

It’s impossible to fight against anything, because all of it is part of us.

We are learning to live and let live, and to sail freely through life.

When we resist or hate things, (people, bad memories, sour grapes), they get entangled with us, causing pain, stiffness, heaviness.

Relax, release, and surrender, as Dr. P. so often says.
Let go.
Float – free and easy.

No need to cling to anything, positive or negative.
It is all “you” already.
You will never lose it.
Everything is accessible, always.

As we develop the ability to focus our attention upon delightful things, life grows sweeter.

Dr. Peebles Speaks April 17, 2024 pours energy and understanding into our hearts.
It’s an experience you don’t want to miss.
I can already feel it shifting me, deep inside.
My heart is catching the ease and freedom that belongs to all of us.

The intonations of Peebles’ voice are important to this session, bringing energy and new understanding to the listener.
You must hear this one!
It’s only 10 bucks – go for it – you’ll be glad you did,
because it will boost your awareness, peace, and happiness in a new way!

It’s not just information.
Listening to this will massage the energy of your heart and soul.

Here is Summer’s note about Dr. Peebles Speaks April 17, 2024.

Let’s Find Out!
“Life is a dance of energy!”
– Dr. Peebles

This beautiful, gentle, but deeply empowering teaching is about how to understand and realize yourself as an energetic being who is always connected with the universe. Get attuned with the energy of life!

Dr. Peebles Speaks about:

  • how to clear energy in your house
  • how to give energy to the world
  • how to offer energetic healing to others and give it to yourself as well
  • how energy helps us to telepathically communicate
  • how energy is the basis of remote viewing (and how to do it)
  • how to work with negative energy
  • how to work the energy of money
  • how words are energy
  • how energetics are used to control people
  • and so much more!


This session was so fulfilling, it was difficult to choose just one passage to share.
But here is one:

You can do a lot with this once you learn that you are an energetic being and that you are not disconnected from anything ever.

You may feel that way, but it’s because you are contracting your own energy away from the world.

I don’t like the world. I’m afraid of the world. I don’t want to step into that because I’m afraid of what might happen.

Well, my dear friends, you know something, with anything that you might do, whether it was your first day at school when you were a child. You didn’t know what was going to happen, but you were curious enough, or perhaps you were following the rules and regulations of it, to find out.

Let’s find out.

You say, well, you know something, it’s interesting. I just really feel like I want to eat something different today.

Well, all right. You want to be more adventurous in your eating? There’s nothing wrong with that.

Yes, but I’ve never done it before. I don’t know what it’ll be like. I’ve never tasted a turnip. I have no idea what it will taste like.

Of course you won’t. That’s the joy and the beauty of it.

Let’s find out, you see?
Let’s find out what’s next.
And enjoy.

Rather than trying to peek around the corner before going around the corner, just enjoy going around the corner to see what is there.
Enjoy the experience, the dance of life.

It’s so beautiful, my dear friends, when you relax, release and surrender into each and every moment of each and every day.

So many of you are very interested, for example, in something that is known as remote viewing.
Well, guess what?
It’s not as remote as you might think, because it’s all contained inside of you.

You can have fun with friends and such, and say, Look here, I’m going to ask that you pick an object in your house and you put it somewhere. And then you project that object towards me in a vision, to show me where it is and such.

And then I will see if I can see that. I will look for it and I will feel it, what the energy is of it.

And then I perhaps will tell you, I see what it is. It’s a little picture of a little crocus that is sitting on the top of your refrigerator.

And you’ll be surprised, my dear friends.
It may not be exactly that with your first try, but on your tenth, you might be rather surprised at how adept you can get at what you call your remote viewing of finding things, peeking in on things and such.

And you use that, again, wisely, not as a way to manipulate or anything else.

But perhaps you lost your puppy dog or your kitty cat.
So you feel them.
Where are they?
I see they’re at the neighbor’s house under the bench across the street.
And you go over there, tap on your neighbor’s door and say, I think my kitty cat is under the bench behind your house. And you find out that the kitty cat is there.
You see.

You make it very complicated, trying to figure things out, trying to figure it out.
Oh no, oh no! Where’s the kitty cat? Where did the kitty cat go? I’ve lost my kitty cat! I can’t find my kitty cat!

Well, then, stop “not finding” it and start finding the kitty cat.  

Stop for a moment. Relax, release, surrender.
And my dear friends, find the kitty cat.

Because all is contained within you, and you are energetically connected forever. It’s not as far away as you think.

                    – Dr. Peebles through Summer Bacon, April 17, 2024


He goes on to describe how to release entangled aches and pains in the body. (That passage alone makes this MP3 a bargain.)

There is so much to experience in this session!

GET Dr. Peebles Speaks April 17, 2024.

Peebles’ Great Health Tips to Keep You Loving Your Life

How to See a Surprise in the Ethers and Dance with Life – Peebles

How to Drop the Sadness and the Chaos of Our Times, says Dr. Peebles

dancer n surf by Andrew at Pexels-photo-4226422

(Thanks to Andrew on Pexels for this dancer image.)

Posted in Awareness, Dr Peebles, Energy Body, Energy Healing, Inspiration, Mind, Self Healing, Spirituality | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Peebles Tells How to Work, Play, Dance With the Energy of Life and Spirit

Looking for the Amazing Good News? Here are the Upbeat Dynamic Stories

What happens when we get so tired of the pumped-up bad news that we refuse to watch it anymore?
Can we put the bad news out of business?
After all, it keeps shouting about a small fraction of reality, never the whole picture.

I’m not making light of the tragedies and the violence. Nobody should have to suffer such things. My heart goes out to them.
At the same time, we must admit, bad news sells more news.

Even though we have fewer crimes, they are touted louder than ever.
The USA crime rate has been steadily decreasing since the early 1990s.
In the past 2 years, violent crimes (assault, rape, murder) have dropped and dropped again in all of our cities, big and small.

Yet most of us hold the illusion that crime is worse than ever.
But it’s not. It’s getting better.

However, we tend to get hooked into the vicious news stories.
Nobody looks at the actual numbers, the actual data.
Instead, people are addicted to horrendous and fearful stories.

This is not in line with the bigger picture, and it’s bad for our health.
Fear feeds on fear.
(And frankly, dark energies and power-mongers also feed on our fear.)

Criminologists are puzzled about why violent crime is diminishing, even in areas where police are awfully short-staffed.
(Could it be that people in general are growing up to better behavior? Let it be so!)

Right now the world economy and global growth are improving.

But we rarely see news stories telling us that things are actually good, that things are working well, that people are more peaceful than they used to be.

Instead, we are given the flashy horror stories, to keep us glued to the screen.
(“Don’t touch that dial!” as the TV guy said when I was a kid.)

Let’s quit dwelling on the negative stories.
Let’s refuse to look at the pumped-up bad news.
(Some of us have refused for decades, already.)

Let’s actively share the good news stories instead.

Good News for Mother Earth:

  • Europe has reduced their fossil fuels by 12% and their coal-driven power plants by 15%.
  • Wind power is steadily increasing year-by-year, worldwide.
  • Humans are learning to harness the power of the seas and tides.
  • Liverpool, England is beginning to use the energy of the tides to power 1 million homes.
  • The logging in the rainforests has been reduced.
  • Dying coral reefs have been replanted and are beginning to thrive.
  • Tree planting campaigns are flourishing worldwide.
  • The ozone layer is expected to recover by 2040, thanks to the 1989 global agreement to stop using damaging chemicals.
  • Biodegradable packaging is booming, with a bunch of new companies and fantastic new ideas.

Did you know that the greatest mental health and happiness scores belong to Dominican Republic, Sri Lanka, and Tanzania? (So says the report on the mental state of the world.)

Here’s one of my favorites – America Isn’t as Divided as We Think.

On YouTube, I bumped into Sam Bentley’s channel. Give it a look!
In his overview of 2023, Sam shares a ton of enlightenment, including:

  • The Brazilian Amazon rainforest is beginning to recover due to Brazil’s pledge to end deforestation.
  • Spain now requires cigarette manufacturers to clean up their cigarette butts.
  • A number of countries around the world have banned deep sea mining.
  • The people of Australia rejected a coal mine that was slated to be built near the Great Barrier Reef because it would contaminate the waters.
  • The UN voted to hold countries accountable for their negative impact on the climate.
  • Thailand is rejecting imports of plastic waste from the wealthy countries and forcing them to deal with it themselves.
  • Scientists in Australia found a fungus that can break down plastic within weeks (more work is needed, but it’s a start).
  • 26 endangered species in Australia have been brought back from the brink of extinction.
  • Last May the EU produced more energy by wind and solar than with fossil fuels.
  • In 2023, worldwide solar production was on the brink of overtaking oil production for the first time in history.
  • The USA has started their largest-ever wind energy production on the coast of New Jersey, which will support half a million homes.
  • Malaysia and Indonesia have decreased their deforestation rate by more than 50%.
  • White rhinos had been nearly extinct, but we now have 2000 of them being gradually
  • released back into the wild in South Africa.
  • Northern California is removing four dams in order to restore the natural salmon population to a 400-mile area.
  • The USA will ban logging in old grove forests by 2025.

Here are some links to Good News sites, where you can ask for a daily dose of realistic optimism to be sent to your email.

Good News Network



Good good good

Solutions Journalism Network

The Optimist Daily

Yes! Solutions Journalism

Sign up, and we can lighten up.
Our vibration matters.
Our confidence, ease, and balance helps our whole neighborhood, and beyond!
What are your favorite Good News Sites?

Mirror Neurons, Contagious Emotion, and Bad Energy that is Not Ours

Diane Stallings RN does distance healing, EFT tapping, and/or Biofield Tuning on the phone, energy healing sessions, Chakra Balancing, and health coaching. She gives you practical ways to lift your selfcare and wellbeing. Make an appointment on the phone anywhere or in Fountain Hills. Check out the free meditation classes at Fountain Hills Library.

newspaper image from United States Archive

(Thanks to the U.S. National Archives for this image.)

Posted in Awareness, Inspiration, Mind | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Relief Is Here and Now in the Breath of Love, says Dr. Peebles

This April 3rd Q&A with Dr. Peebles offered so many fascinating insights that it was tough to choose which part to share here.
It felt wonderful to absorb the soothing energy healing and the humor of this session.

As always, Summer Bacon’s “pre-ramble” teachings are insightful and practical. Her clarity in bringing forth Dr. Peebles creates a precious experience for us.
With Liz Johnson facilitating the questions, the conversation goes even deeper.

Summer speaks about what to do when we feel like we cannot hear Spirit.
She validates that this is a hard time to be on the planet, yet an amazing time.

Dr. Peebles says things are going to change on the Earth, and the unexpected will happen.
He gives us encouragement about living our everyday lives and loving ourselves.

Our questions led him to discuss topics as varied as:
Current events
How to handle feeling disconnected or unmotivated
Clarifications about artificial intelligence and its effect on us
Technology to speak with Spirits and what Spirits do on their end to reach us
What is Heaven
What is Soul retrieval
What happens when a soul doesn’t want to fully incarnate but they come here anyway
How people might completely heal themselves or not
How to deal with the insomnia of solar flares
A quick refreshing breath to return to feeling good now
What is the spirituality of animals
Do human souls return as animals
Feel the presence of Mother Mary and learn more about Her
And even more topics

I’m sure you’ll enjoy listening to this April 3rd Session yourself.
Don’t delay – click on it today!

Here is a taste of Dr. Peebles Speaks April 3, 2024.

For a moment here, just close your eyes.
And just breathe.
Nothing to do other than that.
You know how remarkable that process is that you take a breath here, that you know how to do that? How do you know how to do that?
It just happens. It’s beautiful.
All day long, you’re doing this.

And that’s a powerful, powerful act right there, in and of itself, to take a breath in, saying,
“I want to be alive. Ah, I’m alive. Look at that. Ah, I’m alive.”

And there you are.
And just breathe.

Feel the changes in your body, the surface of your skin, any physical pains that you might have.
Don’t try to make it go away. Just breathe.

Let the love of the universe do Its thing through those beautiful breaths of God.
You inhale, you exhale.
Inhale in the love of God, exhale out that which no longer serves you.

And it’s so simple.
You can feel it. Can you not?

– Yes.

God bless you indeed. Yeah.
But human beings don’t tend to stop and do that too often, do they?

 – Not often enough.

And it’s hard. We understand, it is hard.
It’s very nice to hear Dr. Peebles guide you through that, but trying to do it on your own can be difficult.
But it takes practice, like anything, yeah?
             – Dr. Peebles through Summer Bacon, April 3, 2024

These are crazy times, and we need all the reminders we can get, to bring us back to balance.

Be sure to get your copy of Dr. Peebles Speaks April 3, 2024.

Here’s one more gem:

My dear friends, take a nice, deep breath, relax, release, surrender, and ask yourself where you want to be.
Do you want to be down in the muck or do you want to be bobbing along on the top of the surface, laughing and free?
God bless you indeed, the beautiful energies of life.
They’re all one, but it’s just a matter of where you decide to place yourself.
               – Dr. Peebles through Summer Bacon, April 3, 2024

Catch the Happy Habit and Keep it Going Despite World Turmoil – Peebles

How to Drop the Sadness and the Chaos of Our Times, says Dr. Peebles

What is Missing in AI and What to Do About It – from Dr. Peebles

blue breath PxHere w Peebles

Posted in Awareness, Dr Peebles, Energy Healing, Inspiration, Self Healing, Spirituality | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Relief Is Here and Now in the Breath of Love, says Dr. Peebles

Catch the Happy Habit and Keep it Going Despite World Turmoil – Peebles

Yes, we absolutely need to catch the happy habit and be proactive about it.
Make it a habit, like washing and bathing.
We are up against eons of negative mindset, but we can shift it, and we will.

Dr. John Sarno talks about the “symptom imperative” – which is our human habit of constantly finding the next symptom, the next thing “wrong,” the next pain or discomfort. The mind thinks it is “imperative” and urgent to latch onto the next bad symptom, and the next – or the next bad news.

Alert and looking for pain and bad news – that’s the history of the human mind.
But we can change that pattern.

The human mind can do only one thing at a time.
So we want to feed it the happy habit, as often as we can.

After all, our complaints comprise only a tiny percentage of our life, compared to all the good in our lives.
Even with a physical pain, I still have 95% of my body working well, right? Thank you, dear body, for working well.

Dr. Peebles sent us a wonderful message through Summer Bacon on March 21, the traditional first day of Spring.
He covered bunches of helpful topics. I was glad to hear his outlook on how to handle the energies of the total solar eclipse on April 8th.
It always feels good to receive the energy healing adjustment he sends to all of us during these talks.

Here is an excerpt from Dr. Peebles Speaks March 21, 2024

Making peace with life, peace with yourself, peace with people, peace with your environment, making peace at this time upon your planet Earth.
A time period of great resurrection of your soul, beautiful resurrection of your soul wherein you at long last acknowledge yourself in a deep, inspired, loving, excited way.

Looking at your heart and saying, “My goodness gracious, how great thou art!”
And bringing that to the surface, embracing yourself with love and kindness.

Cherish the opportunities, my dear friends, to look at yourself in the mirror.
Cherish the opportunities to look at your heart.
Cherish the opportunities to be with yourself, to know yourself, to give yourself nurturing things.

Sometimes that nurturing thing might be just a little piece of candy that you say, “I shouldn’t have that,” but your heart wants it, you want it.
Be kind to yourself, gentle.

This is a beautiful time upon this school called planet Earth to soothe your mind, your body and your spirit.
Close your eyes for a moment here.
Hold in your heart the deepest desires of your soul.
Happiness, peace, whatever it might be, good health, perhaps.
Just hold those desires there.

Feel the peace, if that’s what you desire.
Feel the good health, if that’s what you desire.
Feel the radiant love – of God, or perhaps of a relationship, if that is what you desire.
Just hold that feeling there inside of you. …

The longer you can do this, the more likely it will be that this will become your reality.
Hold that feeling of peace.
Hold that feeling of joy.
Hold that feeling of happiness.

You’ve had at least one time in your life where you felt really happy. If you must, just go back, feel that again. “I remember how happy I was that day. Ah, yes.”
Then just hold that feeling.

And the longer you hold it, you may find that all of a sudden, other happy feelings and other happy thoughts are attracted to you. And all of a sudden, you’re remembering things that you had forgotten about that made you happy.

And you have thoughts about things that you’d like to create for your future, that make you happy.
And perhaps you remember an old song that made you happy, and you start to sing it. Or you have a funny thought, and you have a little giggle with yourself.
And the happiness just keeps increasing exponentially, the longer you hold it, there in your heart.

Be of service to yourself by doing this on a regular basis if you can.

Because the longer you hold that feeling, the longer you embrace it and just allow for it to be without any conditions whatsoever, the more it will become habitual for you.

You will form a habit of happiness, drive people crazy.
“You’re happy now? How could you be happy in this world the way it is?”

You say, “Because – I’m not engaging with that energy of the world that you’re engaging with. I’m engaging with happiness, which exists as well. That’s where I’m putting myself, my heart. That’s what I’m acknowledging and bringing to the surface of my soul here.”

And it becomes such a wonderful habit, a habit that’s hard to break because you don’t want to break it. Because it feels so good.

It is time for this, my dear friends.
More than ever.

As you move into the next several months on your planet Earth, it’s going to get a little shaky, we shall say. And people might feel very scared, might be wondering what’s around the corner.

And if you, my dear friends, are doing this exercise, as we suggest, you’ll be saying, “Well, let’s find out. We’ll see what happens next. I know that everything is in right order, and everything’s going to turn out just beautifully. I feel it, in my soul. I feel that joy, that happiness, that peace, that trust. Everything’s going to be wonderful no matter what. But let’s find out. Let’s see what happens.”

It is the way of the world that there is always change.
As we shared at the outset, my dear friends, life changes.
There are ups, there are downs, there is turmoil, there are wonderful moments.

There are glorious, if you will, total solar eclipses. How fascinating, how wondrous your universe, your planet Earth.

You human beings, each one of you, so fascinating, each and every one of you.
And we can hear the voices of some of you saying, “I’m not fascinating.”
Oh my goodness gracious, if only you knew how fascinating you are. It fascinates us that you would find yourself un-fascinating, you see?

              – Dr. Peebles through Summer Bacon on March 21, 2024

Download this inspiring March 21st mp3 of Dr. Peebles Speaks.

Take a look at Summer’s notes:

Dr. Peebles Speaks • March 21, 2024Dr. Peebles through Summer Bacon

In this beautiful, peaceful, soothing and uplifting message from Dr. Peebles, he guides us into our hearts, into our true desires, and speaks about:

  • Self Love: what it is, and how to experience and attain it
  • The energetics of the April total solar eclipse: a time of wiping the slate clean; emergence of the divine feminine energy; of manifesting our deepest desires, and a time of deep rest for your soul.
  • The Seasons of the Soul: what they are, and how to work with them every day.
  • How to rid ourselves of things in the past that trouble us, and make peace with them
  • How and why it is your right to change your mind
  • A simple exercise to develop new habits of joy, happiness, peace, a healthy body
  • What to do when you don’t know what to do
  • How Spirit rejoices when we ask for help, and lovesto help us!

Don’t miss Dr. Peebles Speaks March 21, 2024

BONUS: Another Q&A session is coming up on April 3rd – you have a chance now to ask Dr. Peebles a general (not personal) question!
How cool is that?
Email your question no later than Tuesday April 2nd at noon (Arizona time).
Send it to:

How do you like Dr. Peebles?

Or as he likes to say, How do you like them apples?

I have learned so much, by listening to him.

Peebles’ Great Health Tips to Keep You Loving Your Life

Prepare for the Surprising New Year with some Fascinating Tips from Dr Peebles

Exmouth-Eclipse-550mm-Phil-Hart w Peebles

(Thanks to Phil Hart for this solar eclipse image.)

Posted in Awareness, Dr Peebles, Energy Healing, Inspiration, Mind, Self Healing, Spirituality | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Bring in the God Tornado of Divine Love for Your Energy Healing

This is a quick spiritual healing meditation that I frequently enjoy.
It came about through a conversation with Dr. Peebles over a year ago, when I asked him about scalar energy. (According to some researchers, spiraling Chi energy can be gathered from the sky and concentrated in vertical pipes to use as scalar energy. The spiraling energy of tornados is also akin to scalar energy.)

Dr. Peebles acknowledged that it’s fun to play with scalar and other styles of energy healing, but, he said, nothing is as strong as divine energy from the Source of all, from God. Asking for Divine Love (God) to come into any situation provides the most powerful and complete healing.

Dr. Peebles and I together imagined a God tornado.

Our sacred Source fills us and surrounds us at all times.
It is This that animates us, animates everything.
It is This that embraces us always, whether we feel It or not.
(We feel It especially when we leave this Earth.)
We are spirits, birthed by Source.
We are always part of Source (no matter how much we might dampen It down with our mindset).

But we may tend to feel as if Source is beyond us, outside of us, so let’s bring Source inside, now.


Spiritual Healing Meditation – God Tornado of Divine Love (also on SoundCloud)

Settle into a comfortable position.
Breathe into the belly. Let the belly expand and deflate with every breath.

How does your body feel, right now?
With each breath, allow the tight places to melt into softness.

Feel yourself getting heavy to the Earth, supported by the Earth.
Imagine your feet sinking into the Earth, into some rich clean soil.
Feel yourself just right here, right now, connected with the Earth.
Feel, sense, or imagine Earth energy coming up into your feet, your legs, your bones, relaxing every cell in your body.

Open the top of your head to the heavens, and allow divine love and light to stream down into your brain, into your spinal cord, into every branch of your nervous system, out to every fingertip and every toe. Imagine this love and light spreading throughout your body.

Feel the glow increase as you inhale light and love, exhale cellular garbage, toxins, and anxieties.
Let them all go.
Inhale light.
Exhale everything you want to release.
Inhale light again.

Now inhale from far above your head, straight down into your vertical channel, into your core, down to your belly.
Exhale that breath down your spine, down your vertical channel into the Earth.
Take a breath from deep inside the Earth. Bring that breath from way down deep, up into your vertical channel to the belly.
Exhale from your belly up your spine, out the top of your head, far into the heavens.
Inhale from even higher way up there in the sky, in the heavens, right down into your body.
Exhale deep, deep into the center of the Earth.
Inhale from the center of the Earth up to your belly, and
Exhale out the top of your head to a place super-far into the heavens.

Keep doing this central channel breath for a moment.

Realize that without your body, this is Who you really are: this big space of you that touches deep into the earth and high into the heavens, this big awareness. This is the large being that you really are, beyond your physical body. You are magnificent.
You have always been magnificent.
You are made of love. No matter what limitations you may feel, the truth is, you are composed of love.

Now ask your Highest Source to bring in the divine tornado of love and light – the biggest, most sacred, most powerful tornado you can imagine, the tornado that is filled with Source energy.

Ask for It to come to you now, from many miles or kilometers far, far above you.
It begins with a gigantic circular swirl.
That circle is so huge, you can hardly imagine it.
It spirals counterclockwise, growing larger.
This divine tornado is starting to swirl down, down through all that distance.

Its entire focus is on you and your personal energy field.
It is speeding up, ramping up more and more divine love and light energy as it approaches the top of your head.
Counterclockwise, spinning towards your left side.

That divine love and light is now swirling into your head, your brain.
It bathes every cell, touching and filling up every structure within your head, healing and aligning with divine love and light everything within you, and also within the field around you.

Feel, sense, and imagine the swirling, beautiful energy that’s now whirling down through your neck and filling up all those cells, down into your shoulders, relaxing all tensions.

Imagine this brilliant golden light – or whatever color you like, whatever color your body needs – is filling up every cell as It pours through, swirling around and around.

And every cell keeps that sacred love and light inside, with a new awareness of its own divinity.

This brilliant divine energy is spinning, still counterclockwise to the left, around the level of your arms, your heart, your lungs, your stomach, your digestive system, all your bones, down into your hips.
It saturates every cell with Its amazing, beautiful love and light.

It spirals through your field as well, melting old trauma and emotional pain, regrets of the past, and anxieties about the future.
This all-powerful divine love and light dissolves all trouble and pain everywhere, all trauma within your whole being.

Now It’s whirling down into your legs, your thighs, filling up all those cells with Its brilliant light and love, into your knees, your calves, down into your feet, round and round, filling everything up.

In fact, it’s going down now into Mother Earth. You are asking this brilliant love and light to swirl throughout Mother Earth to heal Her, as well as everything and everybody upon Her.
Naturally and easily, this omnipotent energy flows around and around, going everywhere it needs to go for the healing of the planet and every being, large and small, upon the planet.

Allow that spiral of divine energy to keep going and going throughout the Earth.

Return your attention to yourself now.
You are still inside this brilliant tornado.
Feel the effects of this counterclockwise swirl, which nurtures your whole system.

Okay. Take a breath, a good long breath.
Ask your Highest Source to please reverse your tornado and turn it clockwise for a cleansing, starting at your feet.
We are asking Highest Source to please take out the garbage. Please, and thank you.

The tornado spins toward your right side, clockwise, as it begins to pull up and out.

Dear God, thank You for my life.
Thank You for removing every toxin, every pain, from my body.
(Dear Garbage, you can go your way in peace, love, and harmony.)

It is Swirling clockwise through your feet, your calves, your thighs, cleaning everything out.
Spinning throughout your hips, your bones, your belly, your torso, your liver, your heart, your lungs – pulling out all garbage, physical and emotional, all germs, all toxins, everything that doesn’t serve you.

Whirling and pulling up faster.
Still spinning to the right, this awesome cleansing tornado, up through your arms, your shoulders, your neck, spinning around and around.
Source is pulling it up, up, up, through your neck.
Feel it coming up through your head, your sinuses, your brain, pulling up, up, up, up, faster and faster and faster.
Pulling the debris out, out, out, faster and faster and faster, whoosh, right out the top of your head, into the heavens.

Thank you, Source, for your brilliant service. I feel tremendously honored to be part of You.

Okay. Take a breath.
Notice how your body feels.
Relax into your breath.
Feel the brilliance of this divine energy in your body.
Know that It remains with you, even when you get discouraged.
Even when you can’t feel It, It is still there.
Know that when we ask, it is given.

Know that Source is always with each of us,
that Source is fine with taking out our garbage,
that Source knows it’s not easy to live on the Earth.

Source does know your name, knows exactly who you are, and loves everything about you.
(No matter what you may have done or left undone.)

Source loves you far more than you could ever, ever, imagine.

Listen to an audio of this meditation on SoundCloud.

Gratitude to Summer Bacon for her great service in bringing Dr. Peebles to us.

Just for Fun See the Cosmic Energy in the Heavens
Use Your Strong Intention Plus the Awesome Power of Divine Love
Strong Easy Way to Feel Better Quick – Central Channel Breath

Diane Stallings RN does distance healing, EFT tapping, and/or Biofield Tuning on the phone, energy healing sessions, Chakra Balancing, and health coaching. She gives you practical ways to lift your selfcare and wellbeing. Make an appointment on the phone anywhere or in Fountain Hills.

(Thanks to blueforce4116 at Flickr for this Creative Commons image.)

Tornado of energy by blueforce4116 on Flickr

Posted in Awareness, Dr Peebles, Energy Body, Energy Healing, Inspiration, Meditation, Self Healing, Spirituality | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Bring in the God Tornado of Divine Love for Your Energy Healing

Gluten free? Grain free? Cassava Can Impact the Thyroid, Be Careful.

Hypothyroid Hashimoto’s, anyone?
I have been trying a lot of things to improve mine, such as going gluten-free, dairy-free.

Have you heard the expert advice to eat no grain whatsoever?
Sounded good to me, a couple of years ago.
Thankfully, there are more grain-free products on the market now. The Siete brand of chips, tortillas, and cookies are rather nice. Their main ingredient is cassava flour.

A “heal your thyroid” book written by a certified naturopathic functional medicine doctor offered lots of recipes calling for cassava flour. So I started making more cassava flour creations.
Merrily I went my way. I did feel good.
My thyroid lab work didn’t change much.

Fast forward two years.
Recently I saw my naturopath, and he found that my body is overloaded on goitrogens, foods that can be hard on the thyroid (enlarging it and producing a goiter on the neck, if you’re not careful).
Goitrogens make the hypothyroid even weaker.
(See a list of goitrogenic foods.)

Now I needed to dump all goitrogens, including cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, and more. These were all my go-to veggies. I ate broccoli practically every day – for years.
(Some sources say that if they are well cooked, cruciferous vegetables are not goitrogenic. But my naturopath says, hold your horses, don’t touch any of them for at least three weeks, and then let them be occasional.)
I often ate sweet potatoes in my “good diet,” but come to find out, they are goitrogens, too.

The bigger wide-eyed surprise was that cassava is a big goitrogen.
I had been eating cassava products several times a day, every day, for two years!
(And that “heal your thyroid” functional medicine doctor would have us hypothyroid people eating it all the time? She implied that it should be a mainstay.)

Maybe I shouldn’t get so peeved about this.
I should not have gone whole-hog on cassava.
But who knew?
I do tend to latch onto what I think is healthy food and eat a lot of it.
(“Moderation in all things,” said Plato, Aristotle, Paul, Ben Franklin … but I hear Ben didn’t follow his own advice, especially when he was in Paris …)

I also found out that with a grain-free diet, we can get depleted in lithium, B-vitamins, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, fiber, and more.
(Going gluten-free is not a big problem, as many other whole grains are available.)

I’m sharing this in case other gluten-free or grain-free people might be overloaded on cassava.
Don’t let it sneak up on you.

BTW, Hyperthyroid people have tried to eat extra goitrogens to diminish their thyroid hormones, but studies say that didn’t work.

So far, my best and most dependable resource has been Izabella’s Hashimoto’s Protocol. (Although my body did not agree with taking high-dose systemic enzymes. But most of her protocol helped.)

What is working for you?

88972815 - human thyroid gland anatomy illustration

88972815 – human thyroid gland anatomy illustration

Posted in Digestion Nutrition, Disease Relief - Prevention, Immune System | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Gluten free? Grain free? Cassava Can Impact the Thyroid, Be Careful.

Your Body will Love some Quick and Easy Jiggling to Get the Kinks Out

Here’s something cool I learned this week from my myofascial therapist. She is helping me stretch an old injury in my abdomen and hip. She suggested the following self-care to get more myofascial release.

“Jiggling” is a way to release stiffness and tight spots.

6 steps to Jiggling and Reclaiming Your Energy:

  1. Stand with your feet hip distance apart. Feel the floor or the ground underneath you. Breathe into your belly. Let your entire body settle down into the Earth. Feel the Earth holding and supporting you.
    Feel yourself centered and grounded.
  2. Keeping the full contact of your feet with the ground, bend your knees slightly. Begin to bob up and down, a height difference of only an inch or less. The movement begins at your ankles and comes up your body into your hips and your torso.
  3. Jiggle your body softly, in whichever way it wants to go. Don’t pull or contract anything. Be loose and limp. Maybe sway a little, relax your head, let your arms flap and flop.
    Let yourself go.
    Notice how the stiffness in your body loosens up.
    Chronic tightness begins to relax.
  4. Jiggle gently for as long as you like.
  5. Now take a breath and come back to center, steady on your feet, right here, right now, in the present moment. Close your eyes and feel yourself just here, where you are now.
  6. Feel the tingling around you, which is your energy body. Pull it back into your physical body to energize yourself.

With your eyes still closed, think of something in the past.
Notice how you rock back on your heels a little.

Come back to the present moment. Feel the Earth under your feet.

Think of something in the future.
Find yourself tipping forward to your toes.

The future and the past often pull us away from our center.
This is a vivid way to see how our distractions pull us away from the present moment.

Check out this Physical Therapist’s demo of Jiggling –

I am loving my new “jiggling” practice and the way it dissolves tension!
How do you like it? Let us know, in the comments below.

Grounded and Present Meditation
Go Out of Your Mind for Happiness

Diane Stallings RN does personal healing sessionsBiofield TuningEFT tapping, Chakra Balancing, and health coaching, all by phone or in-person. She gives you practical ways to lift your wellbeing. Make an appointment here.

jiggle boy from WannaPik

(Thanks to WannaPik for this jiggle image.)

Posted in Energy Body, Energy Healing, Inspiration, Self Healing | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Your Body will Love some Quick and Easy Jiggling to Get the Kinks Out